Dragon Blend, Truong Lam & Tri Dung

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New! Dragon Blend

Dragon Blend #1

More about this product
Dragon Blend #1 Our own House blend of 25% Arabica and 70% Robusta. A great all-round and typically Vietnamese everyday drinking coffee.
Supplied in a 500 gram bag, ground for Phin filter, French Press, cone-shaped drip machine and pour-over.

product picture Our own House blend of 25% Arabica and 70% Robusta. A great all-round and typically Vietnamese everyday drinking coffee.
Bag Ground 500g £6.50 in
Bag WHOLE BEAN 500g £6.50 in

Tri Dung Coffees

Tri Dung Coffee

More about this product
Tri Dung Coffee Ho Chi Minh City is full of small coffee roasters, each offering their own take on traditional Vietnamese recipes. Tri Dung is one such - this coffee is 60% Robusta, 20% Arabica, 10% Chari and 10% Moka, a variety of Arabica with characteristic 'chocolate' tones. Naturally quite sweet, many people who might add sugar to their coffee would enjoy this coffee without. It is difficult sometimes to persuade people sampling this coffee that it contains no sugar or chocolate, just blended coffees and a little butter and salt.

500 gram bag, ground for Phin filter, French Press, cone-shaped drip machine and pour-over.

product picture A typical Vietnamese Cafe House Blend of Arabica, Robusta, Moka and Excelsa. Rich, Chocolatey and a little sweet.
(Please note: Tridung 'Brown Bag' coffee contains a percentage of roasted soy beans and should be avoided by those with soy allergy).
Brown Bag Grnd 500g £5.95 low
Red Bag Ground 500g £6.75 in

Tri Dung Coffee (Black)

More about this product
Tri Dung Coffee (Black) Ho Chi Minh City is full of small coffee roasters, each offering their own take on traditional Vietnamese recipes. Tri Dung is one such - this coffee is 60% Robusta, 20% Arabica, 10% Chari and 10% Moka, a variety of Arabica with characteristic 'chocolate' tones. Naturally quite sweet, many people who might add sugar to their coffee would enjoy this coffee without. It is difficult sometimes to persuade people sampling this coffee that it contains no sugar or chocolate, just blended coffees and a little butter and salt.

500 gram bag, ground for Phin filter, French Press, cone-shaped drip machine and pour-over.

product picture A new Tri Dung House Blend of Arabica, Robusta, Moka and Excelsa. Superb!
Black Bag Grnd 500g £6.75 in

Truong Lam Coffee

Truong Lam Coffee

More about this product
Truong Lam Coffee This Vietnamese coffee is a blend of multiple coffee species, like most of the best Vietnamese coffees, containing Buon Me Thuot Highlands Arabica, Robusta, and Excelsa, and is absolutely typical house blend such as a visitor might experience at a caf� in any Vietnamese town. This house blend also contains a little Moka, a variety of Arabica with petite beans and a naturally chocolatey taste. The roast is a
deep butter-roast, and the flavor is quite sweet, dark, and very full, with a pleasant bitter edge.

It's especially good iced with milk and sugar in traditional Vietnamese iced coffee style.

500 gram bag, ground for Phin filter, French Press, cone-shaped drip machine and pour-over.

product picture A typical Vietnamese Cafe House Blend of Arabica, Robusta and Excelsa, dark and naturally a little sweet.
Ground 500g bag £5.95 in